Zeenah Aziz

Graphic design, editorial design, packaging design

Asalaamualaikum (peace be with you)! I am Zeenah, a well organised and creative designer who has a driven passion for all aspects and areas of design. As a graphic designer, I am extremely organised, focused, and put great effort and attention into everything I do. I have a great eye for detail and have considerable creative qualities which I incorporate into all my designs. I have a heavy interest in editorial and magazine design, which allows me to express myself and others in various different ways. It allows me to tell stories, ones that are not often heard, and give those in need a spotlight to tell their truth through design and inclusivity. It is always a humbling and empathetic experience. I am always self-improving and expanding my knowledge of design and in the future, I want to use my abilities as a way of communication, self-expression and to stand up for what’s right 🙂

The Haqq newspaper

This project was designed as part of my University studies, for our chosen elective projects, Advanced Editorial. The brief was to create a newspaper platform and design accordingly based on our audience. This newspaper is called The Haqq, an editorial piece aimed mainly towards British Muslims and others who want to educate themselves or agree with our views. Focusing on the genocide of the Palestinian people, it gives those a voice to speak out and show necessary support. It’s a way in which others can connect with serious world issues and push forward a message of truth and peace.

Street_Wear magazine

This project was designed as part of my University studies, for our design practice module, Publishing Platforms. For this module we had to design a magazine and find different, creative ways to display articles whilst keeping it coherent throughout. Street_Wear is a magazine which focuses on @saeedahhaque, a Muslim fashion designer that creates modern modest wear. The magazine showcases powerful imagery from her Instagram page whilst portraying Muslim women in a way which is not usually seen and giving them the spotlight. It’s a magazine for self-expression and to normalise a way of dress that is not always embraced.

Across the Spider-Verse Vinyl Cover

This project was from an elective project called Packaging. We were tasked with designing a series of ‘something’ and producing three different outcomes that belonged together as a set. For my first and main outcome, I designed a vinyl cover based off the 2023 Spider-man movie: Across the Spider-Verse. As a huge Marvel and Sony fan, I created two vinyls which reflected the two main characters within the movie. The design portrayed a ‘good vs evil’ narrative whilst not giving away too much and allowed my audience to submerge themselves into the Spider-Verse through the portal-like design.